Friday, June 6, 2014

Thankful, thankful, thankful

Free on kindle
Today I'm thankful for my awesome critique partners: Lakrysa, Lisa, Marianne, Susan and Sylvia! They're the best! They offer unconditional support in the pursuit of what often seems like an unattainable goal, and I know I wouldn't have gotten this far without them. We may be taking different paths to publication, but we're always there for one another.

And one of them happens to be having a book giveaway this weekend. If you enjoy tried and true gumshoe mysteries in the tradition of the Kinsey Milhone series, you should check out The Agreement by Sylvia Jefferson. It's free on kindle until Sunday.

The second thing I'm thankful for is my husband, who left a clue on the coffee maker (the best place to ensure I'll find it), which I had to decipher in order to know where to meet him for lunch. When I arrived at the secret location, he gave me a rose--just because! How cool is that?

I'm super thankful for the weekend, which is starting out pretty well after a hellish week. I hope you all have a nice one too!

This post is part of a blog hop hosted by Vik Lit. If you want to join up with our Friday posts, just follow the link and add your blog to the list using the linky tool (instructions supplied).


  1. CPs are the best! What an inventive and sweet hubby you have! Have a good weekend. :)

  2. Your husband is a sweet.

  3. Thanks for stopping by, Lexa, Patricia and Kate! I am super lucky in the partner department, be it critique or domestic!
